1.Facilitating new words and expressions (Theme: )

Task #1
-Write out all unknown words and expressions from the texts studied («Сustoms and trade business”, Unit 1, p.4-8 ) and compose a check list for the test(Выпишите все незнакомые слова из пройденных текстов (Customs and trade business)  и составьте контрольный список для проведения теста на следующем занятии.Примерный образец:
1. Boredom- скука, to be bored -скучать

2. Shame-стыд ,to be ashamed –стыдиться

 3. Performance- исполнение

4.EVENTS- события,мероприятия

5.taking an exam –сдавать экзамен

6. making a speech  -произносить речь(всего 30-40 слов)

Task #2
Give Russian equivalents to the following English expressions

  1.This job is intellectually demanding-

 2   study is an intellectually strained activity-

3    learn to enjoy studying hard -

4.   the challenging part of his/her job -

 5.it appeals to me-

 6   he  tries to convince -

7. love for learning new things   accelerates careers

8 .confirms that people like challenges Task#3

Task #3

-Insert  omitted words(вставьте пропущенные слова)

The …… part of my job is also the most …….. – dealing with people. You get to know all types of passengers: the ……. mothers, sweet older couples, ladies who are very polite and ……, or suspicious Sometimes I like to …….my inner Sherlock.

So, as a customs inspector ,I’m generally very…….in  customer and personal service (………. of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services, including customer needs ……., meeting quality standards for …… and evaluation ……… satisfaction). You need to be ….. at psychology of human …… and …….; individual differences; learning and motivation; psychological research methods; and the assessment and treatment of behavioural and affective disor- ders. The work is intellectually ……. – a for-

eign language is a ……; public safety and security (coping with relevant equipment, policies, ……., and strategies to promote effective local, state or national ……. operations for the protection of people, ….., property, and institutions).

 Task 4.Translate using new words:

Работа требует интеллектуальных усилий – знание иностранного языка

  - необходимость; вы отвечаете за общественную безопасность (использование соответствующего оборудования, политики, процедур и стратегий для   обеспечения безопасности на местном, государственном или национальном уровне для защиты людей, данных, собственности и учреждений).